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- VR (Oculus)

- AI

- UI

- Team Project​

- C# / Unity

- Time-frame: 3 Months



This game was created for a university assignment, myself and two of my classmates (Scott Leatherbarrow and Adam Clark) were tasked with designing and creating our own 3D game on our chosen platform. We very early on decided on creating a tower defense game, we wanted to create a game where the player had a lot of input in the game play. It was on this concept that the idea to use a VR platform for the game was decided, in which we decided to use the Oculus rift. After a lot of research into different PC and VR tower defense games, we found that the player never had much input into the game, they were never much involved and it would become boring, so we based the design around fixing this problem, the VR became much more of the main mechanic for the game, rather than just a gimmick.


-Choosing a level from the menu requires the player to pick up a sword and hit the chosen enemy for the level.

-After the level loads, the player has 30 seconds until the first wave of enemies spawn.

-The player starts with 50 coins, and must go to the tower shop and purchase towers by pressing the appropriate buttons.

-The tower shop consists of 4 different towers, (Cannon, Ballista, Shotgun, Mortar) all of which have different costs.

- Once a tower is purchased, the player must pick it up and place it on a tower mount on the game board.

-Once an enemy is killed by the towers, the player must pick the coins up themselves from the game board.

-The players base has 200 health, if this depletes the game ends.

-The game can be ended/restarted at any point using the buttons on the table on the right side.

-Each level consists of 10 waves of enemies + a boss wave.

















All visual assets for this project were either provided by our university or were acquired from the Unity Asset Store. 

This project was created using the agile development approach, below are documents created throughout development:

Design Document -- Agile Plan Review -- My Development Evaluation -- Contribution Report

The code within these screenshots display some of the key features that i worked on and created throughout the project.

Shown are code for:

  • Finding waypoints

  • Waypoint navigation

  • Tower placing/snapping

  • Tower targeting algorithms/functions

  • UI programming

  • Tower purchasing

There were many other features that i worked on and helped produce in the project, however these are the more core features, and ones more important to the game. 

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