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- C / Mono-develop

- Unity

- Student Project

Coded Shaders

Glass Shader

This was the first shader i created as part of a assignment for University. I simply made the shader with a transparent effect and high specular effect and by also giving a grey tint gives a nice glass like effect.

Blob Shader

This was also a shader that i used for an assignment, the aim with this shader was to create a randomly shaping blob like object, which i could then combine with the glass shader/object to create a lava lamp. I made this so the vectors of the shape would move randomly and would give a very flexible look.

Animated Shader

This was the final shader for my assignment, in which i created a shader that would flicker through a certain amount of frames on a image. In this instance i used 15 frames of a small flame, the effect is very good if it was put to use on something such as a TV within a game enviroment.

Shader Graph

Dissolve Shader

After seeing the release of the shader graph beta on Unity, i decided to try and use it as appose to programming a shader. For this i decided to make a dissolve effect for a player loading into a game as well as a blue glow around the edge of the player. The effect worked very well and was not largely time consuming. I have provided a picture of the graph as well as pictures of the effect.

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